A Little About Us
When, Where, & Why of Muth Pump
Muth Pump is the inventor of the FARR Plunger. The FARR Plunger was the first and by far still the best solution for SAND and GAS LOCKING issues in Rod Pumps.
We developed the FARR Plunger as a response to my client’s Artificial Lift needs for a SAND solution in their Rod Pumped wells. This plunger handles FRAC Sand, Coal Fines and Heavy Oil. It reduces stuck pump issues and drastically reduces Pulling Rig Jobs! We have also developed a solution for Gas Locking issues.
Rod Pumps are the most cost effective pumping solution; the FARR Plunger makes them a superior pumping solution by extending the pumping system life cycle 200% - 500%.
We have assisted Oil Producers all over the globe from California to Indonesia. Our clients such as: AERA, CVX, ConocoPhillips, PERTAMINA, Pemex, PDVSA, EnerVest, OXY, Shell Oil and Gas, ExxonMobil, Esso and many others enjoy increased production and lower operating costs.
From the desk of Garold Muth
“50 years of hard work, 50 years of devoted focus, 50 years of dreams that took flight and 50 years of making a difference in the toughest, most challenging field there is; THE OIL PATCH!
Where Bright Men of Might Keep the World a Light!”

Garold Muth - President at Muth Pump LLC
His Name is Garold and He Knows Things
Garold Muth brings 52 years of expertise in Rod Pump design and manufacturing. As a multi-patent holder, he brings inmeasurable value to well solutions. We have a full featured pump shop that can solve any issues your particular well might have.
Garold started off as a Roustabout and Pumper worked his way up through the ranks in the oilfields with several top companies like Gulf Oil, Mobil Oil, Shell Oil, Century Oil, Callon Petroleum, Texaco and others. He has worked as Production Foreman, Senior Production Superintendent, Superintendent, Senior production Supervisor and Production & Drilling Supervisor California and Lybia.
Reach out to Garold anytime to discuss pumping problems, he is always happy to visit with you and first cup of coffee is on him!

Dave Muth - Vice President at Muth Pump LLC
He Runs a Tight Ship & Can Ship Anywhere
As a former US Marine Dave brings that powerful esprit de corps and “get the job done” attitude to Muth Pump. He has more than 8 years’ experience in Artificial Lift specializing in Sucker Rod Pumps. He has been instrumental in helping with new pump designs to overcome the unique challenges in Artificial Lift.
Dave coordinates the day to day operations to ensure every customer around the world is getting the right parts and products on time, every time.
Dave has a diverse background with very strong supervisory and leadership skills. When you need it done right the first time Dave is the guy to call on.

William P Evans - Business Development Manager
Well, Let me tell you a little something about that Well
Mr. William P Evans is clocking in at a solid 22 years of professional oil & gas experience, knows his way inside, outside, updside and backside of a well. He’s been involved with all the intricicies that go into having just one single well run smooth over the course of its life. He understands the immense costs associated with preserving a wells production volume, he understands the dynamics of artificial lift systems, hydraulics and most importantly Pumps! Bottom line is Bill understands intimately the physical and emotional toll a well and it’s production volume or lack there of can take on a person.
With that said, Muth Pump and Bill are very serious about saving your pump life as much as we are about saving you money and now we have an experienced advocate to preach it from the mountain tops. We’re really excited for what business opportunities lie ahead as Bill navigates his way through the dunes just in time to save you from yet another sand induced melt down.

Roger Ross-Smith - Head Engineer
Been There Done That
Originally from New Zealand, raised on a Farm. At an early age he discovered his penchant for all things mechanical. As a boy he began building equipment to make his chores on the farm a bit easier. He even built a custom 4 wheel drive tractor with remarkable capabilities. The home village was so impressed he won an award at the County Fair. This mechanical passion served him well when he migrated to the US in the 70s. Joining Schlumberger in 1979 he quickly proved his adaptability and rose from tool shop mechanic to field installations on to well testing finally technical sales manager.
Roger has a colorful background working in various field assignments through the San Joaquin Valley as well as offshore for Chevron, Unocal, Texaco and Arco.
Roger has worked with Muth pump since 1997 and is their go-to man to take Garold’s wild new ideas and make them work mechanically. Roger takes dreams and helps make them reality.
Why Our Customers Love Us
The Muth Advantage
Muth Pump defines experience: The skill & knowledge gained by actually doing a thing over a great deal of time. To master a skill and gain great proficiency and competence.
Superior Quality
Quality comes in grades: Quality is acceptable to a bare minimum. Good Quality refers to reasonable acceptance and quality. Superior Quality is unequaled and in a class unto itself that others struggle to compare.
Muth Pump consists of Men who reflect the character of this great company. Family Men, Patriots and Veterans. They have been and will always be there for their Family, Faith and Flag. You can bet they will always be there for their clients!
Caught in a Sand Trap? We Can Help
Muth Pump has been out smarting sand issues in Rod Pumped Wells for 50 years. We have seen nearly every issue a wellbore can throw at a producer. Unlike other shops that want to sell you more and more jewelry on a hope and a prayer, let us design the basics that work and have a proven track record.
We all need prayer, Your husband or wife will enjoy some jewelry but call us with your sand issues and lets get back to work!
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