Dating apps are part of the social media phenomenon sweeping our generation, but they don’t always get the spotlight

Dating apps are part of the social media phenomenon sweeping our generation, but they don’t always get the spotlight

What draws us to use its services? Is it the ease of connecting with people? The low investment, high reward? In truth, these questions can be awfully hard to answer depending on who you ask. The consequences of using apps like Tinder could be more universal, however.

Who hasn’t heard of Tinder?

I’ve used Tinder for about a year now, and I’ve learned a lot from it – especially about myself. My first profile was lackluster, filled with low-quality selfies matched with an entirely nondescript bio. I’ve since discovered a lot of Jamaica dam dating webbplats the tricks that make a profile “swipeable.” I went from getting a match a week to several a day. At face value, this sounds like quite the improvement, but where my profile succeeded, I did not. Continue reading “Dating apps are part of the social media phenomenon sweeping our generation, but they don’t always get the spotlight”